Welcome! I’m Yeni Hercules

Holistic Mental Health Therapist

I work with individuals who want to enjoy a balance between their professional and personal life. I do this through a genuine connection with what they feel and what they want to achieve. I provide them with holistic tools that allow them to broaden their consciousness and design the family and work environment to achieve their goals in the various areas of their life.

How I started

From the age of 15 I started attending support groups, this helped me overcome my depression and anxiety. These self-help groups saved my life, and that's where my healing process began, finding my mission in life.

While working in a large corporation, where I developed professionally, I realized that I needed to continue with my healing process and learn how to relieve pain. pain of others. That's how I discovered my passion and decided to study for a master's degree in mental health. It was the beginning of my journey through the world of therapy.

After finishing my master's degree, I immediately started working as a mental therapist. At the same time I took several personal and business coaching courses and certifications, that's where I discovered holistic therapy and its great results.

From there I developed techniques and found tools that have allowed me to support unlabeled people achieving positive results in a short time.

Thus, in 2019 the idea of ​​​​Yen Wellness was born as a space where people can expand their consciousness and design a lifestyle of enjoyment and connection with their essence.

Helping others is my passion, I have been in this field for more than 13 years.

I wake up every day looking forward to helping my clients and the community.

I volunteer in different organizations because I love working in the community and I have an opportunity to talk about mental health and the importance of healthy relationships.


  • Master of Science, Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy | University of Phoenix

  • Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Art: American Studies | California State University, Dominguez Hills

  • Associate of Arts, Business Administration | Los Angeles City College


  • Robbins-Madanes Training - Life and Business Coach

  • Domestic Violence Certification for Victims/Survivors

  • 52 weeks Batterers Intervention programs

  • Emotional Intelligence and Anger Management

  • Holistic Modalities - Thetahealing, Rose Therapy, Reiki, Sound Bath, Meditation, Terapeutic Tarot , Numerology and many more

 Are you ready to heal and transform your life?

You can start here, you can start today!

Our services are oriented to educate, guide and support you to have a life where there is a balance between your body, mind and energy.